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This is mimicing bait. Fish feeding off the bottom. It also significantly mimics a crawfish scooting throughout the bottom. I'm dragging it with my rod. One big sweep. Reel up the Slack. Simply literally dragging it quick enough across the bottom, knocking off any rocks or structure that's down there, but keeping that blade move inside the side, producing the vibration, letting the bass understand where that bait is, dragging with the rod, reel up the Slack. The only reeling I'm doing is truly an up the Slack with this approach. Every numerous drags, provide it a great big fast pop, a quick jerk up that's going to make that bait. Bounce off the bottom, vibrate genuine rapidly, and then flood her pull back to the bottom. Drag it again, jerk it up, let it drop and drag it again. That little extra jerk every now and then develops a fast burst of vibration and we'll get any of the weary bass that are kind of taking a look at it to respond without even understanding it. They get out of the method or the Eden and most of the time they're going to consume it. Oh God, nice fish guys.

Big wheel, big fish. The other beauty. This is an excellent fish. Oh man. Excellent fish called Joe. Lose this one. Oh yeah, Tank. Another tank. This Chatterbait simply smoked a big fatty, a huge fatty liver. This monster. Oh he is so fat. Oh my gosh men. This is a tank. Look, inspect this out. He just ended up consuming something decent size and he simply hammered my bait! That's why you so fat, buddy. Look how fatty is. Wow. What a fish. What a fish. Oh man. Oh, this Chatterbait. Simply smoked and appeal. He's so fat cause that's a, that's a fish. That's the rest of that fish in his mouth. Is it that stomach things? Wow. What a stunning fish. Going to have to do with 4, 4 and a half pounds. Wow. Appeal. Return and finish your food. Whew. We find the pattern with this Chatterbait. Now there are a wide variety of trailers that you can place on Chatterbaits.

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